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In the complexity of our national history, there were no losers in our Civil War, only causalities and victors, for the victory won left us truer to our creed and brought us toward a more perfect union. The paradigm of complexity rejects reduction, disjunction and Aristotle’s either/or dualism. The discipline of this paradigm accounts for diversity and unity, connection and contextualization, and the existence of evil and good in a single entity. Robert E. Lee can be described simultaneously as a villain of secession and a hero reconciliation.
The complexity of our national history, and for that matter
reality, confounds traditional social science leading many of our relied on
historians and celebrated Civil War experts to what Edgar Morin calls “a
paradigm of simplification” in which they are required to choose exclusion and
simplicity over inclusion and complexity. This practice of exclusion is
especially problematic as it pertains to the historical contributions of
American patriots of African descent. The history of such patriots clouded by
complexity and shrouded in secrecy is an African American mystery in American
history. Indeed, a secret organization comprised of Americans of African
descent during the first century of our nation’s history was called African
American Mysteries Order of Oppressed Men. The activities of these American
history makers cannot be excluded from our historical inquires if we seek to
decipher the mystery and account for the complexity of our national history,
for the efforts of these Americans were noteworthy. Indeed their efforts were successful
in the struggle to end the tyranny of slavery and to gain their rights as
citizens in league with the Constitution as evidenced by the ratifications of
the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to our
In the pages of the North
Star in December 1848, Dr. Martin R. Delany the former editor of the Mystery out of Pittsburgh (1843 to
1847) and the co-founder and co-editor of the North Star wrote, “But the time shall yet come, when the name of
the despised, neglected American patriot, in spite of American prejudice, shall
rise superior to the spirit that would degrade him, and find his place on the
records of merit and fame.” Dr. Delany, who was commissioned a major of
infantry in the federal army during the Civil War, defined “true patriotism” as
being true to the creed of our nation as articulated in the Declaration of
Independence and being willing to sacrifice, even one’s life, to achieve the
goals of our nation as articulated in the Preamble of the U. S.
Constitution. And Major Delany by this
definition was a true American patriot. In America’s African descent
communities from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Great Lakes to the Gulf
of Mexico, there is a general appreciation for the fact that color prejudice and
racism have degraded and neglected, derided and forgotten, the historical
contributions of American patriots of African descent like Major Delany who has
been transformed by traditional historians into a black nationalist.
The spirit of racism by degrading and neglecting the history
of American patriots of African descent has ensured the exclusion of essential
historical facts from the academy sanctioned history from which curriculum and
lesson plans are developed. This is the reason why Dr. Carter G. Woodson
established the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in 1915.
This is the reason why Negro History Week sandwiched between the birthdays of
Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln was established by Dr. Woodson in February1926.
Color prejudice and the spirit of racism have deprived American scholars of a
holistic appreciation of our national history, keeping essential stories that
can help us gain us a greater understanding of our national identity mysteries.
Fortunately for the students and researchers of the future, the paradigm of
complexity provides us with tools to account for the complexities of our
history, tools needed to decipher the mysteries.
But in order to decipher what we shall refer to as the African
American Mystery in American history, we must exorcize the spirit of racism
from our scholarship. To perform this exorcism, we must identify [distinguish]*
without prejudice the scholarship possessed by such a spirit. And once
identified [distinguished] we must perform the exorcism regardless of the color
of the scholar advancing the possessed scholarship.
*Within the context of the
paradigm of complexity, distinguish is more appropriate than identify.
In the physical realm where we are educated and educate, scholars
with the intent to embrace color prejudice and racism are not responsible for
the continued suppression of prideful and inspiring stories of American
patriots such as the United States Colored Troops, war heroes who were honored
here in Harrisburg on November 14, 1865 in what was recorded by the event
organizers, the Garnet League, as a “Reception of Our Colored Heroes – A Grand Demonstration".
These American heroes were victors not victims, and their stories are inspiring
patriotic stories. With the increased availability of primary sources, these
stories are easily discovered. Yet, operating within the paradigm of
simplification, traditional historians are comfortable with the context of
justification not the context of discovery, and in the tradition of their
discipline, their scholarship is easily possessed by the spirit of racism and
such stories are thus suppressed.
Possessed by such a spirit, their scholarship cannot help
but suppress stories of pride while featuring stories that elicit pity, guilt
and derision. When sympathetic, this possessed scholarship tends to be
complaint based. This complaint based scholarship leads to the exclusion of certain
relevant facts making it impossible to account for the complexity of our
history and thus decipher the mystery. To decipher the mystery, we must reject
this complaint based scholarship. But this is made difficult by the fact that scholars
engaged in this form of scholarship are often of the historical group victimized
by racism. Indeed, many of those who suppress the recorded purpose of the Harrisburg
“Reception of Our Colored Heroes – A Grand Demonstration” are of that color which
has been the object of race prejudice.
Suppression while appearing to report is sometimes
characterized by the renaming of historical events thus enabling the
fabrication of causes and outcomes. In the case of the Harrisburg reception, we
witness the renaming of the event as “the United States Colored Troops Grand
Review” instead of reporting it as it was recorded in primary sources, which was
as a “Reception of our Colored Heroes – A Grand Demonstration”. Again the
renaming of the historical event allows for the fabrication of the cause of the
event. The renaming also directs inquisitive researchers to dead end secondary
sources that support the fabricated cause. In this case, the fabricated cause
is the race probation of participation in the Washington Grand Review of the
Armies in May 1865. This fabricated cause is justified by the spirit of racism
and has the effect of eliciting pity, guilt and anger.
The compliant is simple and has the logical appearance of
eloquence within the paradigm of the scholars who fabricated it. The complaint
is that United States Colored Troops were prohibited because of their race from
marching in the Washington Grand Review of the Armies in May 1865. This
complaint possessed by the spirit of racism degrades and neglects, derides and
forgets, the participation of the African descent soldiers who marched proudly
in the Washington Grand Review of the Armies. The scholars who fabricated this
complaint must fail to report on, and they must refuse to honor, the soldiers
of the 135th regiment of United States Colored Troops who marched in
the Washington Grand Review of the Armies on May 24, 1865. They marched as a part
of the 17th Corps of General William Tecumseh Sherman’s Army of
Georgia. These colored troops marched proudly along Pennsylvania Avenue pass
the presidential reviewing stand where colored troops were also conspicuously posted
during the Grand Review of the Armies. But in the teachings of the possessed
scholarship, the story of these African descent participants in the Grand
Review must be degraded and neglected, derided and forgotten, in order to give
merit to the fabricated complaint.
In the fabrication of race based complaints, complaints that
seem logical in the spirit that degrades and neglects the contributions of American
patriots of African descent, facts are not valued unless those facts can be
used to support the story of race oppression. Within American academic circles
influenced by Marxist scholars, which has been dominant within the top social
science departments at Historically Black Colleges, the scholarship graded as
the best ultimately seeks to replace stories of pride with stories of pity and
brutality in order to make white people feel guilty and black people feel angry.
Advanced is a suppressive victim’s narrative where truth gives way to legend
and the spirit of racism is given the narrator’s authority.
Possessed and directed by the spirit of racism, such liberal
and progressive scholarship fabricates and perpetuates race narratives that
require the exclusion of germane facts, facts that provide evidence of the
merit and fame of African descent recruiters, commissioned officers, soldiers, sailors,
marines, guides, scouts, saboteurs, spies, spymasters, nurses, teamsters and other
contract laborers, all of whom were in fact American patriots during that
defining epoch in American history called the War of the Rebellion, the War of
Northern Aggression, the War to Preserve the Union, the War Between the States,
the War to End the Tyranny of Slavery, our Civil War, where we as a nation
experienced a new birth of freedom.
In the spirit of racism, the following race based myths and
opinions have been reported as facts by relied on historians and celebrated Civil
War experts. As a group, such scholars are certainly not white racists or white
supremacists. They are Americans of various hues typically intent on righting great
wrongs that exist predominantly in their poor and possessed scholarship. The
perpetuation of these race based myths are responsible for keeping the recorded
history of American patriots of African descent during our Civil War off the
records of merit and fame that get reported in our schools and media. The
following are myths and opinions reported as facts that keep our history a
- Christianity was given to the enslaved to keep them content with being held as slaves. [The truth is revealed in the reporting of African descent voices active in the abolitionist movement.]
- The Constitution was a proslavery document. [The truth is revealed in the reporting of African descent voices active in the abolitionist movement.]
- There were no African
American commissioned officers or field grade officers during the Civil
War. [The truth is revealed in the official military records, the writings
of the African American commissioned officers and the accounts of their
- The movie Glory is “almost perfectly aligned with the historical evidence”. [The truth is reveals in the letters of Robert Gould Shaw, in the letters and books written by the officers and soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts and in the official military records.]
- United States Colored
Troops (USCT) were assigned to garrison duty because there was no intent by
military authorities to send African American soldiers into combat. [The
truth is revealed in the letters and orders written by government
officials, the official military records and the official histories of the
- United States Colored
Troops were issued inferior equipment because no one expected them to be
sent into battle. [The truth is revealed in the personal accounts of the
soldiers and in the quartermaster department records.]
- United States Colored Troops did not receive equal pay during the Civil War. [The truth is revealed in the letters and articles written by colored troops, letters and books written by army officers and in the Congressional record.]
- United States Colored Troops
were trained differently from other soldiers. [The truth is revealed in letters,
articles and books written by colored troops as well as the actual training
- United States Colored Troops died of disease at a higher rate than other classes of soldiers because they were given inferior medical care. [The truth is revealed by the comparison of deaths by disease of regiments with similar lengths of service.]
- United States Colored Troops were used to perform menial tasks. [The truth is revealed by an understanding of the “military” importance of the tasks performed.]
- General W. T. Sherman was
such a racist that he did not enlist or employ African descent soldiers in
his army. [The truth is revealed in the writings of Sherman, in the
histories of USCT regiments operating and conducting combats operations
under Sherman’s command and the official military records.]
- There were no integrated regiments during the Civil War other than the presence of white officers in the United States Colored Troops. [The truth is revealed in the military records of African descent soldiers who fought in other than USCT regiments.]
- United States Colored
Troops were put on the front line to get killed because of racism and the
lack of concern for their welfare. [The truth is revealed with an understanding
of American military doctrine, the letters of African descent soldiers,
the articles of reporters and the writings of general officers.]
- Fort Wagner, Charleston,
Petersburg and Richmond were not captured by United States Colored Troops.
[The truth is revealed in the writings of soldiers, the articles of
reporters as well as the orders, observations and reports of Union and
Confederate officers.]
- The first African American
to be awarded the Medal of Honor was William Carney of the 54th
Massachusetts. [The truth is revealed in the official military records and
the personal accounts of soldiers and sailors.]
- The slaves in Texas did not know about the Emancipation Proclamation until June 19, 1865. [The truth is revealed in the official military records, the personal accounts of enslaved Texans and in newspaper accounts.]
- United States Colored Troops were prohibited from participating in the Grand Review of the Armies in May 1865; therefore, there was a United States Colored Troops Grand Review in Harrisburg in November 1865. [The truth is revealed in the official military records and reports from eyewitnesses.]
The survival of these myths and opinions in this age of easy
access primary resources is a result of the apparently successful struggle of
leading American historians to justify the false reports and opinions that have
become a part of their canon as opposed to discovering the truth. There is a
need for a paradigm shift if we seek to decipher the mystery. And the paradigm of
complexity offers us tools in Deciphering
the African American Mystery in American History. Unfortunately, among the
most formidable foes to making that shift are the sons and daughters of the
despised and neglected American patriot of African descent in higher education.
Over the past four years [during the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War], they have represented the greatest opposition to accurate
To them the following poem is dedicated.
1865: A Message to
the Son of a Despised and Neglected Patriot
Emasculated in the testimony of my own son
Who does not claim the honors that Mi wonMy freedom came from the barrel of a gun
Though claimed as property in 1861
Mi was not a slave in slavery
Mi was a captive in captivity
No man in truth could own me
While in captivity Mi was free
To believe in the One God of my fathers
To embrace the faith of my mothers
To kneel in prayer with my sisters
To stand in battle with my brothers
At Island Mound we let Lincoln know
At Port Hudson we watched martyrs’ blood flow
At Milliken’s Bend we struck a blow
At Fort Wagner we let the nation know
That we were men ready and willing to fight
We brought hope to darkest night
We held Old Glory high in the morning light
We provided the fuel to make Liberty’s torch bright
Yet, claming that my manhood suffered to compromise
My son begs the sons of Europe to apologize
For taking my manhood, which he chooses to eulogize
It is the ignorance of my own son that Mi despise
For telling lies on me while asking for reparations in my name
Mi did not fight for glory, fortune or fame
To the achievements of others, Mi do not lay claim
But the Union victory in the War of the Rebellion came
When our fight for light and liberty was no longer discreet
When we marched victoriously down Charleston’s Meeting Street
When we marched victoriously down Richmond’s Main Street
When we watched General Lee’s army march away in defeat
Son, sing the songs we wrote by our deeds in 1865
Sing about how we did more than just survive
When Liberty was on her deathbed, we kept her alive
Sing proudly of our victory for light and liberty in 1865
You are the Beautiful shoulders for young men to stand on and find Thier way. Keep up the great work for I Am your Sister Warrior Africa Pace Brown